How To Submit A Claim To Aquilian Benefits?

To submit a claim on your Aquilian Benefits Plan, complete the following steps:

  1. Go the Forms page and download a Claims form. The Claims form must be opened in a spreadsheet program, like Microsoft Excel, Numbers for Mac, or the free OpenOffice software.
  2. You can either print the manual form and complete it by hand or put your information into the spreadsheet form and print it. The receipts must be enclosed with the claim form. They do not have to be in any order.
  3. If you are not the Planholder (the Employer), then simply deliver your claim to your employer who will make the submission on your behalf, unless your employer has arranged with Aquilian for confidential direct submissions to us – in that case, mail your claim form with original receipts to us. We will reimburse you by direct deposit.
  4. The Planholder/Employer sends us from their business bank account the Total Fee Payable (Health Expenses + Administration Fee + taxes) shown on the claim form. We accept payment by Interac e-transfer to, EFT, or cheque.
  5. Planholder mails the forms and cheque to:

Aquilian Benefits Corporation
2189 Concession 6
Uxbridge, ON  L9P 1R4

We are committed to responding to your submission within 5 business days of receiving your claim. Claim reimbursements are by direct deposit to your personal bank account, so be sure to send us a scan or fax us a copy of your personal cheque or full banking details, including name of bank, transit number, account number, and legal name of the account holder.


Telephone: (647) 333-7229

Serving all of Canada from:
2189 Concession 6
Uxbridge, ON  L9P 1R4

Contact us